NO。OF Phases/丝杆电机相数 | 2P | Step length/整步步长 | 0.01MM/步 |
Step angle/丝杆电机步距角 | 1.8o ±5% | Insulation Class/绝缘等级 | B |
Rated voltage/额定相电压 |
4.0V |
Working Temperature/工作温度 | -20OC~~+50OC |
Rated current/额定相电流 | 0.5A |
Inertia/转子惯量 |
0.19Kg.C㎡ |
Resistance/相电阻 | 7.0Ω | Temperature Rise/温升 | 80KMAX。 |
Wire rod diameter/丝杆直径 | 3.5MM | Weight/电机重量 | 95g |
Screw thread lead/丝杆螺纹导程 | 2MM | Holding torque/标准推力 | 15-25N |
Number of threads/螺纹头数 |
2 |
Minimum thrust/最小推力 | 15N/6-15MM/S |
Type of wire rod/丝杆种类 | 梯形丝杆 | Wire rod material/丝杆材质 |
不锈钢ACME |